A Holistic Approach to Fertility by the Herbarium with Lianna Moccia

A Holistic Approach to Fertility

Welcome to The Herbarium’s intensive on a Holistic Approach to Fertility with clinical herbalist Liane Moccia, RH(AHG). Thank you for joining us in learning how to support fertility naturally and holistically with nutrition, herbs, supplements, and lifestyle considerations. There are four sessions in this intensive, including both written lessons and three narrated video presentations.

Deciding to start a family can be a beautiful and exciting time, but trying to conceive can also be a difficult journey for those of us experiencing fertility challenges. Many will be heartened to know that there are approaches we can take to increase our chances of conception and a successful and healthy pregnancy.

This four-part Fertility Intensive is packed full of helpful information and insights from Liane Moccia, a clinical herbalist who specializes in fertility and pregnancy planning:

Session 1: Build your key fertility foundation with a discovery journey into the basic elements of holistic fertility support. This session includes information on optimal nutrition, menstrual and hormonal balance, gentle detoxification and decreased exposure to environmental toxins, and lifestyle considerations to help soothe away stress and get a good night’s sleep.

Session 2: How can we support PCOS, endometriosis, and other conditions affecting fertility? Which herbs should be avoided when pregnant or trying to conceive? What about using herbs alongside assisted reproductive technologies? In this session all about egg and ovarian health, you’ll find answers to these commonly asked questions and more. 

Session 3: Explore the factors affecting sperm quality and its impact on fertility, including lifestyle changes that can positively impact sperm while trying to conceive. This session will also cover beneficial herbs and a number of holistic strategies to support healthy sperm parameters.

Session 4: Tending to your own self care in a season when you are trying to conceive shouldn’t be overlooked. Discover how stress affects fertility, and learn some helpful tips for easing stress (and the anxiety that often comes with trying to conceive). You will learn many ways to promote optimal health and fertility through nutrition, herbs, and lifestyle adjustments.

Let’s get started!

